
YouTube and Makeup Gurus

I've recently got back into watching makeup tutorials on YouTube. Wow! Since I started watching these types of videos about 3 years ago, the beauty community on this site has grown like craaazzy!! I have learned a lot over the years from every video I have watched. Even if the lesson is what NOT to do. :) With that being said, I have decided to make a teeny-tiny (very tiny) list of my favorite gurus on YouTube. These users really know their stuff. Links to their channels will be listed under their names. So go check them out, watch a few videos, and if you feel like I do hit the yellow subscribe button.

My ALL time favorite gurus!!!

xsparkage AKA Leesha
Leesha is a pretty famous guru. Anyone who frequently visits the beauty community on YouTube probably already knows who she is. She is one of the most knowledgeable about makeup application, products, and such. But on top of that (and what keeps me loyal to her channel) is that she is one of the most natural. You can tell that she isn't reading from a script. You can tell that she is sincere in her reviews. And she isn't one to go on and on. She is to the point making it easy to watch her whole video rather than skipping pieces. 5 Stars Leesha!!! BTW: Her "first impression" videos are awesome. I hope she makes more soon.

Petrilude AKA Josh
I found petrilude through Leesha's channel and was so happy that I did. I have learned a TON of tips, tricks, and techniques from him. He is an insanely talented artist. I can't stress that enough. He gives me chills sometimes. He is another guru that is to the point, tells you like it is, and is definitely sincere and natural. I mean, I don't know these two users personally but you can tell that they are just doing their thing. 

The best product reviews!!

pinkiecharm AKA Irene
If you want an honest review on a product, check out this channel. She reviews high end to drugstore products. Her reviews are very detailed. You can tell she is honest in her reviews because she doesn't always say "This is fabulous!!! Get this." So whether she gets the product free or she pays for it herself...who cares! She tells you what she thinks. And I totally trust her opinions.

HOWEVER....With that being said, everyone is different. So what works (or doesn't work for pinkiecharm) may be the opposite for you. So take product reviews on YouTube (from any user) for what they are and that is mostly opinion.

Just a few more:
Makeup Geek:
Michelle Phan:
Samantha & Nicola:
Tiffany D:

Anywho.... I can go on and on with makeup gurus that I come across in the YouTube world and that I adore but those listed are just a few I trust based on the content of their videos. So if you want to start "learning" from makeup tutorials go check them out. Take it for what it is. And enjoy. 

**Please note: Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, can name themselves a "guru" on YouTube. So just because someone says a product is good or a technique will work doesn't always make it fact. Sooooo, don't bombard any user with hate mail or comments because what they put in a video didn't work for you.  In addition, I will be the first to tell you that there are no rules to makeup however I have seen quite a few videos of things that are just plain wrong or not flattering. So if you're trying to learn to become a makeup artist then do a little more research and practice, practice, practice. Experiment. Try things out. If it doesn't work, try it differently etc. Okay, I'm done.

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